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My Company And Inspiration, “Fighting For Our Rights”

My name is Brandie Rose DeVore and I’m a 44-year-old Transgender female.

I own a business called “Fighting For Our Rights.” It’s a LGBTQ Legal services company, that helps members of the LGBTQ community file discrimination claims with the Civil Rights Commission and the EEOC when they have been discriminated against, I also do LGBTQ legal Consultation and legal Research for the community.

The thing that makes my company unique is that I do everything for free. I don’t charge any fees or require people to register with my site or mailing list.

The reason I created this free legal business for the LGBTQ community is because most of the members of that community have little if any money or means of paying an Attorney for any legal services, so many suffer discrimination and neglect due to lack of financing, and are on assistant living for the homeless.

I have been studying LGBTQ Law for over seven years now and I wanted to use my knowledge to give back to the community for it’s much needed support of my business. I have Facebook groups and pages up and operating for the purpose of promoting my business and helping the LGBTQ community join together in unity through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and several of my personal websites for “Fighting For Our Rights.”

The unity of the LGBTQ community is very important to its survival and safety. We must all utilize the power of our voices to be heard through out the world for LGBTQ global unity, and social tolerance that can promote diversity and inclusion in the lives of all people.

Building a company that promotes diversity and Inclusion in the world, has been an inspiration to many people who support “Fighting For Our Rights.”

It’s what I do, I support and help bring together the community through means of volunteer work, social media, advertising, and campaigning to enhance LGBTQ awareness by contributing my time and money to helping the homeless and LGBTQ community through my services.

I also run a Human Rights group here in Des Moines, Iowa and on-line for those interested in learning their human rights and the 30 articles of the declaration.

I have educational courses for learning diversity and human rights that I set up on- line for everyone to use for a higher learning experience, and LGBTQ education. I also post and blog legal attributes to educate the public on legal rights and our responsibilities to uphold the law in all matters of our lives.

I believe that putting my hard work and efforts to combating discrimination, and increase the education level of awareness, and diversity in our society has been a life changing event for me.

I will continue to help better the lives of everyone by my efforts, and will strive to do my part and bring us all into a more diverse peaceful world where discrimination and hate have no place in our lives as a community.

Brandie Rose DeVore

“Fighting For Our Rights”

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