My Company And Inspiration, “Fighting For Our Rights”
My name is Brandie Rose DeVore and I’m a 44-year-old Transgender female. I own a business called “Fighting For Our Rights.” It’s a LGBTQ...

Laws Enforced by EEOC
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) This law makes it illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of race,...

What You Can Expect After Discrimination a Charge is Filed
When a charge is filed against an organization, EEOC will notify the organization within 10 days. A charge does not constitute a finding...

Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace
Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace Federal and state labor law exists to protect you and give you employment rights, free...

Complaint Charging Osceola Foods LLC; With Violation Of Iowa Code Chapter 216
Fighting For Our Rights The LGBTQ Community Filing A complaint to the Civil Rights Commission And The EEOC