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About “Fighting For Our Rights” And Its Owner Brandie Rose DeVore

From the business

Non-Profit Organization Name: Brandie Rose DeVore "Fighting For Our Rights" - The LGBTQ Community@lgbtqrightsfighter Created on February 19, 2015 Human Rights Activist Fighting For Our Rights February 2015 - Present (2 years) Des Moines, Iowa Area I'm a freelance LGBTQ and Human Rights Activist, I believe in equality rights for everyone. I also am a researcher in LGBTQ rights, and its Laws. I've been independently studying LGBTQ law for six years I have a very good knowledge of procedures. I also do Pro Bono research and support for those that need it at their request.

History: Established in 2015. I started Fighting For Our Rights in 2013, and by 2015 I had a nonprofit campaign page for LGBTQ Rights and for political strategy. I started out with my own transgender journey that changed my life in every way. I am also a member of the Iowa Bar Association, as a legal aid and Consultant in discrimination complaints to the Civil Rights Commission and the EEOC. Fighting For Our Rights is a strategic campaign designed to help the needs of the LGBTQ Community and its homeless population. By means of legal assistance/ research and consultation free of charge. Fighting For Our Rights also volunteers services for the community, and regular attendee in political and LGBTQ related events. We upload a huge variety of relating news and events for the LGBTQ community on the web. Fighting For Our Rights is also the owner of two other activist websites. We currently have two employees that work as volunteers for data entry and regular business activities for the company.

Meet the Business Owner: Brandie Rose DeVore

Business Owner I am a 43-year-old transgender female, who was inspired by the need for my rights as a member of the LGTBQ community to be respected and heard. As an equal to the rest of the United States population. I started Fighting For Our Rights to fight against discrimination on all levels, and to use my knowledge in the area of LGBTQ law to help in any way I can to see the country turn a better corner, and learn about human rights as well as lessons in diversity. I am a pro rights activist who has legally changed my name and have filed my own complaint to the Civil rights Commission. In regard to being discriminated against by my employer, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA.) I volunteer my legal education and knowledge to the fight against discrimination in the LGBTQ community at no charge.

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