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Civil Procedure


A little civil procedure overview I’d like to share, Brandie R DeVore

"Understanding the current Civil Justice System needs major repair and that current rules don’t always lead to early identification of Contested issues."

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Pretrial procedures in civil cases primarily consist of notice, pleadings,

discovery/depositions, and pretrial hearings. The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

(FRCP) outlines pretrial rules and procedures in federal civil cases. State civil

procedural rules often follow the FRCP, with variations made to accommodate state

practices and court structure.

Links to related online resources are listed below. Nondigitized

publications may be

borrowed from the NCSC Library; call numbers are provided.

Civil Justice System

Procedural Fairness in California: Initiatives, Challenges, and

Recommendations (2011). Center for Court Innovation. In 2008, the California

Administrative Office of the Court’s Executive Office Programs Division

commissioned the Center for Court Innovation to conduct a thorough needs

assessment and analysis of best practices in promoting procedural fairness among

the state’s civil and traffic cases. This report describes findings from over 20 site

visits and nearly 50 stakeholder interviews along with a document and website


Rebecca L. Kourlis and Brittany K.T. Kauffman The American Civil Justice

System: From Recommendations to Reform in the 21st Century .

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Understanding the current Civil Justice System needs major repair and that current rules do not always lead to early identification of contested issues, Kourlis

and Kauffman discuss pilot programs that work to increase efficiency while still

making sure justice is served. The pilot project includes the following themes: case

differentiation, incorporation of proportionality principles in discovery, and an

increase in judicial case management. The overall goal is to prioritize justice and

reduce the cost of current programs.

Gerety, Corina. Surveys of the Colorado Bench and Bar on Colorado's

Simplified Pretrial Procedure for Civil Actions (2010). Institute for the

Advancement of the American Legal System. In June and July of 2010, IAALS

conducted two surveys of Colorado legal professionals to examine Colorado Rule of

Civil Procedure 16.1 ("Rule 16.1"). Rule 16.1 sets forth a simplified pretrial

procedure for certain civil actions in Colorado District Court ("District Court"), the

state trial court of general jurisdiction governed by the Colorado Rules of Civil

Procedure ("CRCP").

21st Century Civil Justice System: A Roadmap for Reform: Pilot Project Rules

(2009). University of Denver, Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal

System This report from the American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL) and the

Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) urges

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jurisdictions to use these published Rules as a roadmap for consideration in

creating and implementing pilot projects to improve the civil justice system.

Case Processing Time Standards. National Center for State Courts. This

database compiles state by state information about Case Processing Time

Standards (CPTS) including Civil and how states monitor them.

Civil Case Reporting (2009). Research Division, NCSC and Conference of State

Court Administrators. Civil Section from State Court Guide to Statistical


Civil Caseloads .

National Center for State Courts. An article from Examining the

Work of State Courts: An Analysis of 2009 State Court Caseloads. The Court

Statistics Project collects and analyzes data relating to the work of our nation's


Galanter, Marc and Susan Steingass Civil Justice in Wisconsin: A Fact Book

(2009). The University of Wisconsin Law School This resource discusses civil case

filings in Wisconsin, the type of civil case, and how many cases went to trial.

Use of Civil Cover Sheets in Other States (2009). Texas Office of Court

Administration This report details results received in response to a survey about

usage of civil cover sheets among the state courts.

Civil Justice Survey (2005). National Center for State Courts. Active for the last

two decades, the Civil Justice Survey of State Courts comprises multiple iterations

to examine and analyze civil litigation across the nation. The series allows for an indepth look at civil trials over time, permitting researchers and policy makers to analyse trends.

Brandie R DeVore

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