How to File a Complaint Against an Insurance Company
When you have a problem with an auto, home, health or life insurance company, both the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and individual state insurance commissions recommend that you first try to resolve the issue by following the company's grievance process. If you can't resolve the issue that way and want to file a complaint against the company, your state insurance commission is the next stopping point. Although a state insurance commission can't give you legal advice or force an insurance company to change a decision if the insurer followed state laws and the terms of your policy, the commission can help in other situations.
Locate Your State’s Insurance Office
An easy way to find your state insurance office is to visit the National Association of Insurance Commissioners website. Click on your state to go directly to your state's online filing site.
Fill Out a Complaint Form
Fill out a complaint form online or print and fill out the form using a black ink pen. Although each state has its own form, all ask for much the same information. For example, you'll need to identify the insurance company, the insurance agent and type of insurance. You'll also need to supply information about the policy, describe your complaint in detail and sign a consent to release information. Make copies of any correspondence or anything else that might pertain to your complaint. When you finish, submit the complaint form online, or fax or mail it to the fax number or address listed on the Web site.
Special Considerations
If your state has an open records law and instructs you to do so, omit or black-out confidential information such as Social Security Numbers on supporting documents prior to submitting the complaint. Otherwise, the information you provide may become public record after the file closes.