Coping with Trauma and Grief
Finding Help to Heal and Recover
Tragedies such as the mass shooting in New town, Connecticut can be traumatizing. Even if we are not personally affected, we may feel deep sorrow, sadness and despair over the senseless tragedy that took the lives of 20 children and 7 adults in Newton, Connecticut.
We hope that the resources below will be helpful to you, and will assist in coping with grief, trauma, or other reactions you may be experiencing. If you need immediate assistance, please reach out to any one of the National Hotlines listed, or find local resources in your area through our Connect Directory.
The entire country mourns the loss of life in tragic events such as that in Connecticut; you should know that you are not alone.
Get Help Bulletins
The Trauma of Victimization Grief: Coping with the Death of a Loved One Community and Victimization How Crime Victims React to Trauma
National Hotlines
Disaster Distress Helpline [24/7 hotline]
1-800-985-5990 National Alliance on Mental Illness
1-800-950-6264 National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)Parents of Murdered Children
1-888-818-7666 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255) [24/7 hotline]
1-888-628-9454 (Spanish)
1-800-799-4889 (TTY)Victim Service Connect Directory
Your Children and Trauma: How to Talk to Kids about Victimization
Tragic events such as the mass shooting in Connecticut are difficult for any of us to understand. Advice and guidance on how to talk with children about the shooting and address their fears about their own safety are provided in the links below.
Child Mind Institute
"How to Help Children Cope with Frightening News" "Going Back to School After Tragedy" "After Newton: Why Amateur Diagnoses Are Dangerous"
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
"Parent Tips for Helping Infants and Toddlers After a Disaster" "Understanding Child Traumatic Stress" "Responding to Stressful Events: Helping Children Cope"
American Psychological Association
"Reacting to the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting" "Helping Your Children Manage Stress in the Aftermath of a School Shooting"
Safe Start Center
Teaching Tolerance
From Around the Web
Aha! Parenting, "How to Talk to Kids About a School Shooting" New York Times, "Tips for Talking to Kids About the Shooting" NYU Child Study Center, "Talking with Children About Difficult Subjects" NYC Criminal Defense, "Advice on What to Tell Your Children About the Connecticut School Tragedy"ABC News, "Connecticut School Shoot: What to Tell Your Kids" Slate, "Elementary School Shooting: What to Tell Your Kids"
Resilience in Time of Trauma
Traumatic events can have negative effects on emotional health and well-being. It is important to take measures to promote self-care during stressful times, and to adopt coping mechanisms to relieve the pain and grief you may feel after an event such as the Connecticut school shooting. Striking a balance between stressors, or negative feelings, and positive emotions can help restore emotional health and self-awareness.