By Brandie Rose DeVore “Fighting For Our Rights”
Some times you can look at a picture and get an understanding that will last forever. For those that never take the time to think in terms outside the box, they will remain in a seclusion and never get to see just how beautiful a picture can be and see the meaning of its beauty.
Much like living inside of a box, so are the thoughts and ideas of those who never take a chance and step outside and experience life and learn about the people around them. When they realize that they have the ability to move forward in and with the times of modern civilization, they then began to see the beautiful picture of life as it unfolds all around them. People are very diverse, and complicated on many levels, and we don’t all think the same or act the same, the diversity in people is an understanding all on its own. This need of diversity is essential, to both understanding people around you and becoming fully aware that we are all different. Not one person has more Human Rights than the other, we all have the same human rights, and so should the LGBTQ Community. No one has the right to take them away from you, those that try to diminish a persons human rights are those that believe things only go by way of their thinking and not of others. The selfish idea that they can have everything their way including the way they want you to live your life, is a down fall for them and a stumbling block in life. I support and fully believe in human rights. The right to live my life as transgender is my right and it’s my decision to be as open about myself as I choose to be. I will stand on my belief on the right to life, and my right to live it as I choose. Now take a long look at the picture I made, it’s a picture of the life that I am making as I Fight For Our Rights to be free. We fight because we know it takes a strong community to work together for a better life and a brighter future. Stand up and fight for our rights, together we can make it happen.
Brandie Rose DeVore
“Fighting For Our Rights 2017”